Retro Ralph's Cafe

Retro Ralph's Cafe


Giving you the business blog. 😁

Adventure Awaits

Coming Soon...

26 Jun 2024

Capturing Nature

Been thinking about camping lately, and being out in nature away from the city. Thinking about trying my luck with Lego/ nature photography. Also thinking about having a super sale with greatly reduced prices.

17 Jun 2024


It's been a while since my last entry, and my views on many things have changed. Which makes me ponder my life, and my exit strategy. Life is short, so follow your dreams whether the pay sucks or starting at ground level. Eventually you will get there.

21 Mar 2024

Giving you the business.

A play on words, yet witty. I'm far from being a pro at being an entrepreneur, but I'm learning new things, posting blog and items on this and other sites. I'm currently learning new ways to bring my credit card debt down, I know what everybody preaches, but I look for unconventional methods. Going to try it out this weekend.

10 Apr 2024

Evaluating ones life.

There was a death in my family very recent and it makes me evaluate my life and my purpose. I am sad and hopeful for the future, I learned a lot from my dad and that's one of the reasons why I'm an entrepreneur creating something new and unique. You are at the ground floor of something great.

7 Mar 2024

Starting my journey.

My blogs are short and sweet, but as I progress the content will be longer with more substance. Proactive is the key to success in any business. So lets strive for the top in your field with the help of others.

22 Nov 2023

Idea for this blog...

I wonder about my small biz all the time, will it be successful or not, will it be profitable or not. I think I'll write about my journey.

5 Nov 2023

Starting new and making friends and community.

Using new apps to help in my business to help user functionality. Been making friends who are like minded, mostly collectors and novices. I'm also learning as I go through this journey of owning a small business.